Keeping a light on a timer during the evening hours can be a good deterrent to would-be burglars. Most burglars won't try to break in to a home if they think someone is there. You can also use an outdoor motion detection light to scare them even more. These lights will switch on if someone or so
Before we delve to deeply into our ukulele chords let's take a look at the tuning of your ukulele. The resulting names of the chords we play depends on how we tune the ukulele.
Play slow, very slow. Imagine you're a snail and the strings are the road and play it as slow as you can. Yo
"Do I have to get a SHOT?!" What percentage of the time do you hear this from your kids on the way to the doctor's office? Many parents are uncertain - tell the truth? Lie? Fake a seizure?
As far as my friend goes, he's doing better. He's taking baby st